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Social Intelligence 11/04/16

Challenges youth may face in the work field is learning how to interact & communicate with the older generations. Their social norms are not the same compared the newer generation. Thus, youth may need to learn social cues to follow from them. The youth maybe also exprience beiing stereotyped/underestimated of being rude, arrogant, or lazy and I understand why. There does seem to be a growing number of low work ethic and/or disrespectful youth, but there is still a strong amount of youth that are hard working and understand others should be treated with equal respect. Youth may experience challenges with being good listeners. They may also not be educated on how to make strong first impressions.

A part of Social intelligence is when one is aware of the impression one is giving off to others. That person is aware of the social norms and rules that should be played into context when communicating and interacting with others. They have the ability to talk to almost anyone and build healthy relationships. If they were to be put in a room filled with people, they would be the person that is seen as social and wise as they would be the ones talking to everyone. This is due to people with excellent social intelligence being great listeners. Others tend to feel that they have a strong connection with people like this because they are able to easily interact with them. Most people with good SI practice active listening, where in a way they repeat back what the other person said to show they were listening and to ensure they understood the other person correctly. Socially intelligent people are able to get others to do what they need because they are able to understand and communicate with others effectively.

Without social intelligence a work environment can be unpleasant, lonely,difficult,and stressful. However, if you adequately learn to communicate and interact with others the atmosphere whether it is at the workplace or school, can be peaceful, exciting, and enjoyable. Social intelligence is important when building relationships with others. If you can not learn how to understand their body language and how to interact with others, then it would be difficult compromise in projects. It would be difficult to communicate in general. Social intelligence is important so you can see how others feel and take that into consideration, then be able to meet an understanding with that person. Social intelligence can also be important when trying to find employment. People with good SI know how to make great impression which can come into play at interviews. SI can make a person a great leader as part of being a leader in being able to communicate with others, get along, and make a compromise that helps all.

I found this article intriguing because social intelligence is something I personally have been trying to work on over the past year. I had a teacher last year that exhibited excellent social intelligence and I began to look up to him. I noticed how no matter who he talked to he was able to communicate his point through while still respecting the other's opinion. His conversations were always effective and calm. Other teachers enjoyed working with him. He was approachable when I need help in anything whether it related to school or else where. While being in his class I began to understand for anything college or for a job or to make a team being socially intelligent is what helps you first of stand out and secondly make everything easier for not only myself but for others around me. Anyone can be intellegent as long as they put the determination and effort into it, but not everyone can work smoothly with whoever they talk to.

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